Q1 In order to access land, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) will be determined by the capital investment we can secure. The CSA could buy or rent land. The survey showed a preference for either buying land outright or some purchase of land with rental land to expand
Q2 – Q5. How would you like to see land managed? (Weighting 0-100, scores show the average weighting)

Q6. Key to the successful running of the project will be community participation. Results are shown in two graphs, firstly total hours committed as a weekly average and secondly number of survey respondents who offered time to each option
Q7. How would you like to support the financial development of the project.
Q8. If you are interested in investing in the farm as an investor member how much would you think you might invest.
With a minimum share of £50 a total of £10,400 has been offered by 30 people
Q9. The organisation/business will be a not for profit and will have community benefit at its core. Experience or thoughts on the structure to consider?
CIC was the most common response. Suggestions to contact and visit other local CICs including Chagford on North Dartmoor to get ideas.
Q10. Would you be interested in joining a steering group to work on the details of the project. Respondents suggested they could input the following activities
- Press / PR activity
- Interest in schools / educational groups
- Fundraising
- Administration